Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tuesday 9-29-09

What a day!!! I have really wasn't that sore today but I did start to catch a cold!!! I seem to be losing my voice!!!I thought it was from all the screaming on saturday but it just keeps getting worse and I feel like I am coming down with a head cold!!! I guess thats what happens when your a teacher!!! Today I was back at the fort and oh what a workout it was!!! haha its been so long since I counted to 100 and I had to do it 4x's!!!! I am really glad that I have been taking really good care of my hand because both of them and the rest of my body survived this workout!!!

100 pull-ups (green band)
100 push-ups
100 sit-ups
100 squats

Completed in 22:55 minutes

Breakfast: Almonds( I need to find more time to eat in the morning :( I just enjoy that extra 20 mins of sleep!!!:)
Lunch-Steak and Broccoli
Dinner-Chicken with salsa, peas, and a salad!!!

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